'AJNA VANA' and Trusting My Intuition
 Ajna meaning 'perceive' or 'beyond wisdom' and Vana meaning ‘forest’ in Sanskrit, inspiring one to trust their intuition, insight, inspiration and imagination Inception  "We thought of our muse as a solo explorer who has woken up in this new landscape, so a certain discomfort that comes from an unfamiliar setting but also the curiosity (which is fundamental to the explorer) to discover and understand this new place and it's elements are what would drive the mood / body language / situational awareness for me in this shoot"  "She arrives there through deep meditation, dance, writing, painting, prayer making, singing, drumming, active imagination, deeply creative arts, intentional solitude, or any activity which requires intense altered consciousness"  Orchestration Â
Our work is to show we have been breathed upon - to show, give it out, sing it out, live it out in the topside world what we have received through our sudden knownings, from body, from dreams and journeys of all sorts  Our work is to apprehend the timing of both; to allow what must die to die, and what must live to live      Â
Within us is the potential to be fleshed out again as the creature we once were. Within us are the bones to change ourselves and our world. Within us is the breath and our truths and our longings - together they are the song, the creation hymn we have been yearning to sing The self must have freedom to move, to speak, to be angry, and to create. This self is durable, resilient, and possesses high intuition Â
 Shoot Collaborations, Little Shilpa, Orukami Orgami  Shop Ajna Vana  |